Hawaii has a reputation for beauty and quality, as does Hawaiian jewelry. Everything Hawaiian retains an air of mystery, of a connection with the spirits of the volcanoes, the flowers, and the ocean. The best Hawaiian Jewelry, such that of the Hawaii Paradise, embodies the best of the islands. Hawaiian jewelry, being both classic as well as traditional, has been passed down from generation to generation as precious heirlooms and has now become very popular both because of its elegance as well as its history. The Paradise Collection Stays on Top of Hawaiian Jewelry Styles Hawaiian jewelry can also utilize jade jewelry, black pearl jewelry, and plumeria jewelry. There are stunning, nature-inspired designs for bangles, necklaces, rings and charms. The Paradise Collection specializes in staying on top of new and exciting styles. Anything you see on the islands, from pair slippers to a palm tree to a Plumier flower can be made into jewelry. Although jewelry making is an ancient art, it is a craft that is constantly evolving. The Paradise Collection keeps up with this evolution, and creates new Hawaiian jewelry designs every few weeks. Whether you love silver, jade, or another look, we have affordably priced, beautifully designed pieces. Every piece of jewelry should enhance the beauty of the wearer. Hawaiian jewelry from the Paradise Collection is both delicate and strong, elegant and stylish. Wearing these examples of the jeweler's art will keep you well-adorned for years to come and remind you of your experiences on the islands, past, present and future.